Eat Belgian
food: check. This is fricadellen met
kriekensaus, that is: meat-balls in sweet cherry sauce. And of course,
Belgian beer.
Saying goodbye to familiar places; we passed over the keys to our ex-apartment this afternoon. Last times driving through some of the fantastically named towns, like Grobbendonk, Waasmunster, Melkouwen, and Aarschot.
Fyi: “aars” in Flemish means ass (think Scottish: arse). “schot” is the sound for a gun firing (think: shot/bang/boom), “helen” means to heal, “was” is laundry (think: wash), “melk” is milk, “koeien” is cows.
So in summary you have the towns of Laundry-monster, Milk-cows, Ass-boom, and Ass-healing. And Grobbendonk, that one’s funny on its own.
Did I take
my pill with dinner? Last Wednesday after the junk market my throat felt
scratchy. Thursday it was sore. Friday felt like someone had punched me in the
throat (reminded me of my days as a cage fighter in Thailand ) and Saturday night I
realized I had tonsillitis and was going to have to cancel the whole trip to
get surgery. Sunday was manly stoicism…whereby I crept off to bed while K
stayed up to make a Dr’s appointment for me when the new hours came available
at midnight.
Woke up
Monday morning with goop around my blastingly red eyes. Tonsillitis and pink eye? F that.
Turns out
an infection can spread throughout your head, moving from a sore throat to
goopy eyes, who knew? (Seriously, did you know that? It’s kinda creepy.) Those
are some fast-acting eye drops though.
I’m going
to miss Belgian graffiti, although those kids should stop watching so much
British TV.
The forests are watching you.
And if they don't like what they see they will send the little people to eat you.
Hokay, that about clears out the odd pictures lingering on the computer. Check.
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