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Thursday, April 5, 2012

When were the last two weeks?

No matter how many times it happens, it always amazes me how an entire week can pass so quickly. We left Mendocino on Thursday the 22nd of March and arrived a few hours later in San Francisco on Saturday the 30th, which lasted half an hour before it was April 1 and I was driving away from K’s yoga retreat, where she’ll spend the next two months while I go wander around trying not to get malaria.

Beautiful day in Berkeley
I’m not sure when it happened but I remember walking around Berkeley with an old friend, flavors of breakfast polenta and navratan korma for dinner. I remember eating sushi with my sister and brother-in-law, room for one more roll and asking the chef to make us whatever he felt like, seeing his answering smile, and thoroughly enjoying some sort of mango and raw fish dessert. I remember seeing my brother answer the door of his apartment in Bernal Heights and drinks in the bar waiting for our table.

There were the tears of welcome from my mom and the wagging tails of beagles who don’t need to understand the passage of time, and toasting my “padres” at dinner with the wine we bought in the Anderson Valley.

A brief series of impressions from a coastal town I used to live in, dinner with friends before choosing whiskey custard over black pepper cheesecake at a new organic ice creamery. Meeting another friend’s puppy before having my first proper burrito in years.

That half an hour in San Francisco managed to include a dog park with beautiful views of my original The City, seeing an old friend hit a double in his softball game, and delectable cupcakes in the home of world renowned hospitality.

Somewhere in there we stayed in our second ridiculously cozy lighthouse hostel, waking up to morning rollers off the Pacific.

But somehow that all, and the iceberg beneath it, went straight into my memory, and I spent a year driving away from a cozy house in Santa Rosa, where K will spend the next two month learning yoga, meditation, and whatever else the unique ensemble has to offer.

Luckily hospitality was not exhausted, and I spent these last few days in friendship, conversation, and a Giants game. Baseball baby! Now I’m really back in America… Leaving in three days.

I expect those three days to last 4 minutes, but in it I’ll cram a brief city reunion with K, an Easter supper with the fam, and the nauseas floating of waiting for an airplane…

See you in Nicaragua.


  1. I love this blog!

    I love your words! They made me relive those moments and made me feel how I felt when those moments were in the present.

    I love your pictures! They made me remember where you took them (especially the dirty cup!) and that made me smile!

    1. Thanks! My personal favorite is the model in the first one...she's incredible. The only model I work with, in fact. Makes me smile every time.

  2. Came across your blog through CS, and man you are totally living your life :) Keep having more fun!

    1. Thanks Siddhartha! I liked your blogs too, and great pictures in there (especially from the train). Next time I'm in the Bay Area we should meet up and swap tales.
