Several hives worth of buzzing words follow me around every day, but they are unruly little things, and refuse to fly out my fingertips when I ask them to. Instead, a few of them had taken to buzzing around inside my eyeballs, making my computer screen seem underwater. The cure? Trees. Mountain. Air. Cold water. Friends. Absence of screens.
We spent two days up by the lake that I will always think of as the liquid heart of the Sierra Nevada. It was three parts eating, two parts walking, and one part Romancing the Stone on a TV that was perfectly tiny, just the way I wanted.
Danny DeVito, man. Nice.

The nights were chilly enough to make me grin with gritted teeth as the celestial gods of Tahoe reminded me of just how many stars there really are. Wow.
And just in case I hadn't realized this was perfect timing, how about a shooting star to say hello? Why yes, yes I will. Graag.
Fierce winds the first night put military formations of white caps storming the beach, and the next morning showed a corpse-ridden battlefield, though the crawdads never had a chance.

Tahoe is an easy place to spend a couple days, grow some friendships, and never consider checking off the To-Visit List. There's always more.
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