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Monday, June 28, 2010

Introducing USA versus Belgium fundraising race.

In the spirit of friendly international competition (I’m loving the World Cup, go Ghana!) I’m challenging Belgium to a fundraising race.

My unbearably lovely co-fundraiser has been making fabric flowers, which have been selling like hot-cakes.  I’m not so crafty like that (unless you want to buy a scarf or blanket in advance…which actually you can totally do…) so I am going to challenge her flower empire with my feet.

Over the past month I walked the Camino Frances to Santiago in northwestern Spain.  I covered 700 kilometers over the course of a month.  To be honest, I am exhausted.  My feet hurt, by body is worn out, and sleeping in is an abstract concept I vaguely remember.  But I am going to challenge Belgium, you, and myself to see if I can make it to 1000 kilometers.

Introducing: 1,000 kilometers to Pretoria.  If you think I can do it, and want to help me do so, you can email me at santacruzt@gmail to pledge however much you want.  You can either pledge to donate upon completion of the 1000, or for each 100 until I get there, or whatever you want.  If I don’t make it, you don’t pay anything.  (Of course, if you want to contribute normally, you are more than welcome to do that!)

She has been selling flowers for a little while already…but I think we can catch up…
Game on!

Oh, and here are a couple from the Camino...fairly randomly selected, more to follow...hopefully.
Entering Galicia, the last province of the Camino de Santiago.

The sunrise on the field where I spent the night a week ago.  That's my bag and baston.

The view over Santiago, the Cathedral is the destination of the Caminos de Santiago.


  1. Other countries are of course welcome to participate... (For me. Or for Belgium...we can figure out shipping.)

  2. You're on!!!! Big time!!

    If you want to support the Belgian side:
    Shipping can indeed be figuered out... They are very light!
    Let me know if you want more details or if you want to place an order :)


  3. I love it! Either way the children of Africa win!
